"In Our Backyard" is an investigative look into the widely unknown and unspoken world of sex trafficking in Brooklyn, documenting the emotional stories of three recent survivors while also presenting the work of determined aid organizations, law enforcement agencies and politicians. The film aims to raise awareness and fight this serious epidemic.
Awards: “In Our Backyard” was the opening feature at the 2016 Big Apple Film Festival and won the Best Feature Documentary Award. The film premiered at The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, where Danielle was the only female winner and it was the first film to ever win two awards in the festival’s history: The Best Documentary Feature Award and the Audience Choice Award. The film also won a Silver Spotlight Documentary Film Award.
Feature Documentary • 1 hour 10 mins
Status: The documentary has had over 30 screenings at institutions such as: The United Nations, The NYPD Intelligence Bureau, Maimonides Medical Center, New York Public Libraries, Marriott Hotels, The Brooklyn Historical Society, many diverse places of worship and it has been used in Albany many times to fight and win new legislation, allowing the film to continue to be an education tool across the country.
"Little Ellis Island," documents an Indian Immigrant man, Mahesh, who finds his daily work much more significant than the average manager’s job at a Citgo gas station.
Short Film • 4 & 1/2 mins
Awarded: The Joyce A. de Groot Memorial fund, The Patsy Pulitzer Preston Fund, The Michael & Ramelle Pulitzer Fund & a Columbia Journalism School Finishing Grant.
Status: It was purchased by the New York Post and recently by CBS.
After Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, I travelled to the Island to cover the impact after the storm and specifically the art that was damaged. The film focuses on the relief work being done by multiple artists and the power behind art in healing from such a devastating and continuing tragedy.
Teaser Trailer • 6 mins
Status: In Spanish Only • Teaser Trailer used for Hurricane Relief Funding
Elizabeth, a mother and wife, recounts her family’s immigration story from Peru to New York to her son, 22 years after their migration. She narrates the perils of their journey and multiple attempts to cross the Mexico border into the United States, the final hurdle before reaching the uncertain promise of freedom, safety and prosperity. As she tells her story, her hands are hard at work in her present-day job as a housekeeper in a suburban upper-middle class home. Throughout the film she shares life-threatening moments while she meticulously performs mundane tasks. This contrast depicts the daily realities of many immigrants and their persistent hard working character that drives them to always push forward. The story reflects and reminds us of the many families today who are attempting to successfully enter the United States of America.
Short Film • 9 & 1/2 mins
Status: Short Documentary • Ready for a home
Bill Warren chooses to call Washington Square Park his permanent home, making him one of the most captivating and unusual residents of New York City.
He believes humans are meant to live outside. We observe how this statuesque man resembling Abraham Lincoln lives: brushing his teeth, lunching at the senior center and listening to NPR in his sleeping bag before bed. As the unofficial mayor/park expert, visited and revered by many, Bill chaperons the park and its guests.
Only 24 hours were shot and will be edited to depict an exciting day in the life of Bill.
Feature Documentary
Status: In Edit
Over a year and a half ago I started documenting a profile piece on the life and struggles of a Human Statue street performer in New York City and Puerto Rico.
Feature Documentary
Status: In Edit
Production Still
Production Still
Danielle’s Production company In Our Backyard Productions completed filming its first commissioned short documentary highlighting the Service program for Older People “SPOP”: A Non-profit organization dedicated to affordable psychiatric care for seniors with mental health issues and other needs.
The film will show how SPOP sees every individual as a whole, while offering access to a community that welcomes all. There will be a large focus on individual experiences and the services provided in the collaboration with caregivers who specialize in working with older adults. SPOP encourages every client to have a goal with a plan to live their lives fully and independently.
Short Documentary • 6 mins
Status: In edit